Children as young as three years old begin to experience Bible lessons, music, worship and crafts. Children’s Sunday school continues for children through 6th grade. Each class offers young people an opportunity to learn, share, grow, and have fun with friends and neighbors. First United Methodist strives to help children understand the Biblical lessons and apply the teaching of the Bible to their life. We are committed to helping children develop a personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ.
One of our primary goals is to provide a fun and safe environment that children will beg their parents to allow them to attend. Here, kids will begin a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ and will learn about His love through scripture, activities, prayer, praise, and music.
Throughout the year, First United Methodist Church Orange offers special programs for children:
Sunday School
Pre-K through 5th graders meet in the Education Building, at 10 a.m. for Sunday school to learn about Jesus and grow in God's love.In September, children entering the third grade are presented their very own Bibles. Students returning to the classrooms have their backpacks blessed.
Kids First
Kids First meets each Sunday night from 5-7 p.m. during the school year. During the evening we will eat together, say the Lord's Prayer together, have a Methodist Moment, sing and learn actions for songs, talk a little more about the sermon from the morning, break out into small groups, eat snacks, play games, and close with a closing song and prayer.
B.L.A.S.T. (Believe, Learn, and Share Together)
B.L.A.S.T. beings with the Lord's Prayer. We will then sing three songs and learn the actions of them together, have B.L.A.S.T. activities, break into group breakouts, eat a snack, play games, and close in a song and prayer.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School is always an exciting event in the life of our church offered for one week every summer. Each year, First United Methodist provides a meaningful experience for the children of our community. During this time of faith and fun, they learn different stories from the Bible, make crafts, learn new music, and play outside games.
Jesus' Love Never Melts (December Vacation Bible School)
In December, children can attend a Saturday morning Advent VBS. They experience the Christmas story through music, crafts, and games.
Easter Vacation Bible School
In April, children can attend a Sunday afternoon one day VBS. They experience the resurrection story through music, crafts, and games.
The nursery provides an environment of safety, love, and respect where a child learns about the love of God and the importance of Scripture; the parent(s) feel respected, loved, and know that their child is loved and well cared for; and the volunteers and staff feel valued and supported as a part of a ministry team that is serving our young families.
The nursery has two rooms in the Education Building:
- A crib room for birth to early walkers
- A toddler room for walkers to four years old.
The nursery is always open for weekly worship services and often for other events at the church.
Nursery Policies and Procedures for Staff and Volunteers are posted in both nurseries.
Note: All adults who work in our nursery have been Safe Sanctuary trained.