Unfinished Crafters- Women's Bible Study
Sunday's from 5-7pm in the parlor (Education Building)
Sunday's 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Unfinished Crafter’s is a Sunday evening Bible study group for women. We will be studying the book of John this semester. February 9 will be an introduction to our Bible study, and we will have a craft. You must RSVP for the February 9th class by February 2nd to Nicole Watzlavik at mrsjcwatz@gmail.com.
The book of John is a Gospel that was written so that all may believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God who gives eternal life. John’s gospel uses the word “Believe” 98 times and the word “Life” 36 times to illustrate the importance that one must believe in order to live eternally.
Please join us this semester on Sunday evenings to learn more about John’s gospel.